If you want to move, you may be able to swap homes with another customer. This is known as a 'right to transfer' (previously called a mutual exchange). 

What is the 'right to transfer'?

A right to transfer allows you to transfer your contract to another customer when you swap homes, and the contract for their home will be transferred to you. You can do this either with us or a different community landlord.  

The right to transfer process

Here are the main steps involved:

  1. Check that you are eligible for the right to transfer
  2. Register with Homeswapper
  3. Once you’ve found someone to swap with, visit their property to make sure that you are happy with it
  4. Complete your application and self-assessment forms and return them to us
  5. Keep in touch with the person you are swapping with
  6. We will keep in touch with you throughout the process


Check if you can swap your home

It’s important that you find out if you are eligible to swap homes before you submit an application. For example, you need to have:

  • No debt
  • No under occupation for the incoming customer (having more bedrooms than is necessary)
  • No court order

Our right to transfer guidance explains what type and size of home you can swap with based on your household size and the most common reasons why exchanges are rejected.

Find someone to swap with

If you believe you are eligible to swap your home, the HomeSwapper website is the best way to find a new home. It’s free for our customers and has homes available across the UK with different housing associations, as well as with Newport City Homes. 

Read the Homeswapper guidance on 'getting started with your home swap' for more information.

Right to transfer documents

Once you have agreed to swap, both households must complete a right to transfer application form. We can only begin to process your application once we’ve received forms from all those involved in the swap. We would advise you to keep in touch with the other household to ensure that their application is being processed.

All our customers need to submit a property condition self-assessment form as part of their application. This form will help you identify any damage and the repairs you need to make before you can move. It should help us speed up processing your application.

Complete your application and property condition forms and send them to homesandcommunities@newportcityhomes.com 

What happens next?

We’ll send you a written acknowledgement, we then have 14 days to request further information and 30 days to agree or refuse the transfer.

Once we confirm you’re eligible, we’ll contact you to arrange a property inspection. A surveyor will visit your home and check for any health and safety issues, any alterations or aesthetic changes or damage in the property.

You cannot move into the new property until you have received written consent and we have agreed a mutual date for you to move.

We’ll arrange for gas and electrical safety checks to be carried out on the day you transfer.

If you have any questions about the right to transfer process, please email homesandcommunities@newportcityhomes.com.



The easiest way to swap your social home.

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