Budgeting is a system where you track your expenses to see how your money is spent over a set amount of time.
Changes to benefits
Do you need help understanding welfare reforms? Are you unsure how welfare reform changes will affect you?
Dealing with debt
The advice and information available to you when dealing with debt is different according to your circumstances. Help is available.
Budgeting loans
Budgeting loans can help with essential lump sum expenses that are difficult to allocate money for.
Universal credit
Universal Credit is a monthly benefit payment to help with living costs. You may be able to get it if you’re not working, cannot work, or on a low income.
Cost of living
We want to support you in living well in your home. As part of this, we have advice and information available to help you manage the rising cost of living.
Energy advice
Our energy team consists of seven advisors who are trained to provide you with information and advice on how to save money and energy in your home.
Think Home First
Managing your money with rising costs can be challenging, and falling into rent arrears can feel overwhelming. Get advice and support.
Funding for low-income households
If you are struggling to make ends meet, you could qualify for some financial support from a grant or fund.