The advice and information available to you when dealing with debt is different according to your circumstances.
The Money Advice Service has created a helpful video about managing money
Where can I get debt advice and help?
Talk to us. Just call 01633 381111 on Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm, or ask us a question via our online form. We also have some advice on the website.
There are many external agencies that can also help you. These include:
- Citizens Advice Web Chat: Citizens Advice offers free, independent, confidential and impartial debt advice through their web chat service.
- StepChange Debt Charity: StepChange Debt Remedy provides you with the expert advice, budget support and solutions to help you manage your debts.
- National Debtline: National Debtline offers free debt advice online through its My Money Steps tool and its web guides, fact sheets and sample letters.
- PayPlan: PayPlan provides the debt advice and support to enable you to take charge of your finances and focus on living again.
- Debt Advice Foundation: Debt Advice Foundation is a national debt advice and education charity offering free, confidential support and advice to anyone worried about debt.