Section 20 Consultation
Updated 4 April 2024
New contractors for repairs and maintenance
All tenders were evaluated based on pre-determined price and quality criteria and were managed through our tendering portal Delta. The Tender was advertised on Sell to Wales and Find a Tender website.
The Framework (PDF) will cover the following areas:
- Drainage and underground services
- General building
- Voids
- Roofing and rainwater goods
- Gas and heating
- Electrical services
- Garden and external works
- Download the Specifications (PDF)
- Download the Invitation to Tender (PDF)
- Download the Appendix (DOC)
The new contract is due to commence on the 3rd June 2024
Our procurement processes
The way we manage our procurement and supply chain is increasingly important to our success, reputation and corporate social responsibility objectives. Good procurement practice and contract management can directly enhance our business performance by securing value for money. We aim to treat all our suppliers equally with integrity, fairness, and in a professional manner.
The NCH procurement team is responsible for all activities related to the purchase of supplies, services and works. The aim of the team is to "pursue procurement excellence through deploying innovative and effective sourcing strategies to achieve value for money whilst stimulating local market and securing community benefit".
Work with us
We welcome the opportunity to work with like-minded partners who share our values and commitment to delivering improved efficiencies, value for money, social well being and quality goods or services to our residents while meeting European Union (EU) rules and treating contractors and suppliers fairly.
Online procurement
Our online e-sourcing system aims to achieve savings and efficiencies through reduced administration and streamlined tendering processes. Our suppliers will not be required to implement new systems in order to trade.
NCH manage all quotations, tenders and contracts through our online esourcing portal in partnership with Delta. This portal provides a simple, secure, efficient and transparent sourcing process, whilst saving time and effort for buyers and suppliers. To receive automatic tender notifications, please register and you’ll receive alerts when opportunities arise.
Access our Delta esourcing portal.
Delta now uses multi-factor authentication (MFA) - download the step-by-step MFA guide (PDF) for help with setting this up.
From here you will be able to access and review current procurement opportunities.
Registration is free and enables you to view Newport City Homes:
- Tender opportunities
- Contracts
- Terms and conditions
- Specifications and requirements
- Any additional documents relating to the project in hand
Opportunities are also advertised on Sell2Wales or the Government contracts finder website.
Procurement process summary
- Working with internal stakeholders to define the requirement
- Market testing
- Preparing advertisements, invitations to tender and evaluation criteria
- Placing advertisements
- Receiving expressions of interest
- Selecting potential suppliers
- Dispatching invitation-to-tender documents
- Opening tender responses at a specified date and time
- Evaluating tenders according to the process outlined in the tender
- Agreeing rankings
- Visiting and/or interviewing suppliers (where relevant)
- Making the final selection
- Awarding contracts and notifying bidders
- Debriefing unsuccessful bidders on request
- Contract Mobilisation and set up of regular contract reviews
This process may be amended to suit specific types of procurement and may be reduced for low-value requirements. As a minimum, bidders shall be provided with a specification and requested to provide a financial quotation.
All procurement exercises are conducted fairly and openly with adequate information to bidders throughout the process. Records are made at all stages so that procedures are fully audit-able.
We undertake either a value-for-money assessment or price-only to identify the supplier/s who will provide the best solution.
- A price-only assessment is usually used for low-priced, uncomplicated tenders based on tight input specification and is evaluated solely on price.
- A value-for-money assessment (detailed as Most Economically Advantageous Tender in Public Contract Regulations) is based upon a balanced review of quality and price.
- A financial assessment of all bidders is undertaken on all tenders, where appropriate.
Our tender evaluation is controlled and conducted objectively and impartially. The criteria types, groups and weightings will vary depending on the circumstances and bidders are informed of these in tender documents. During this process we may ask shortlisted bidders to provide samples and/or demonstrate their products or services, and we may interview bidders.
Purchase order references – no PO, no pay
No PO, no pay is one of our main financial control measures to ensure that payments are only made to suppliers and contractors where the supplied electronic invoice contains a valid official purchase order (PO/Job) number.