Welsh Housing Quality Standard
As a social landlord we have a duty to make sure we provide our customers with housing that is in a good condition and well maintained. The Welsh Housing Quality Standard (WHQS) outlines what is required to make sure our homes support the health, education and wellbeing of our customers.
Our WHQS Compliance Policy (PDF) sets out our interpretation of the Standard and how our compliance is monitored and verified.
In 2022/23 we received £6.5m in dowry gap funding from the Welsh Government which is being used for WHQS improvement schemes.
More information on WHQS and Dowry Gap Funding can be found on the Welsh Government website.
Model Rules for housing associations
We adhere to the Community Housing Cymru 2017 Model Rules.
The Model Rules are a specific set of rules for Welsh housing associations, designed to reflect specific legislation, the regulatory framework and guidance in Wales.
They are adapted to cover our ways of working and governance processes.
Download our model rules (PDF).
Welsh Government interim regulatory judgement for Newport City Homes
The Welsh Government publishes a judgement on how well we are complying with their regulatory framework and meeting their performance standards.
Find out more