If you are struggling to make ends meet, you could qualify for some financial support from one of the following grants.

Discretionary Housing Payments

Anyone claiming housing benefit or receiving help with housing costs through Universal Credit can apply for a Discretionary Housing Payment (DHP).

You may wish to apply for DHP if:

  • your local housing allowance is lower than your rent in private rented property
  • your housing benefit or Universal Credit is reduced because of non-dependant deductions or housing costs contributions
  • your housing benefit or Universal Credit is reduced because you are of working age and it has been decided that you have a spare bedroom in social rented property
  • your housing benefit or Universal Credit is reduced due to the benefit cap

A DHP could also be paid to help with a rent deposit or rent in advance for a property you haven't moved into yet. But only if you are entitled to housing benefit for your current home.

It could also help with lump sum expenses like removal costs.

A DHP cannot be used to cover an increase in rent due to arrears or to make-up the difference if an overpayment is being recovered from your housing benefit. It also can't help to cover certain sanctions or reductions in benefit.

Applications are managed by Newport City Council. Find out more about DHP on the council's website.

Discretionary Assistance Fund

The Discretionary Assistance Fund (DAF) provides two types of grant that you do not need to pay back.

Emergency Assistance Payment 

This grant helps you pay for essential costs like food, gas, electricity, clothing or emergency travel. You can apply for this grant if you:

  • are experiencing extreme financial hardship 
  • have lost your job 
  • have applied for benefits and are waiting for your first payment 

 You cannot use it to pay for ongoing bills that you cannot afford to pay. 

Individual Assistance Payment 

This grant is intended to help you live independently in your home or a home you are due to move into. You can also apply for this grant for someone you care for to live independently in their home, or a home they are due to move into.

This grant is intended to pay for:  

  •  ‘white goods', like a fridge, cooker or washing machine
  • home furniture such as beds, sofas and chairs 

Find out more and apply for the DAF via the Welsh Government website.

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Cost of living advice and support

We want to support you in living well in your home. As part of this, we have advice and information available to help you manage the rising cost of living.

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