NCH is ‘Making a Stand’ against domestic abuse

Newport City Homes is proud to have joined a national campaign to help to tackle domestic abuse across the city of Newport.

We have signed the ‘Make a Stand’ pledge, demonstrating our commitment to tackling domestic abuse and sexual violence experienced by our residents across Newport.

The pledge is an initiative developed by the Chartered Institute of Housing in partnership with Women’s Aid and the Domestic Abuse Housing Alliance, created to encourage housing organisations to make a commitment to support people experiencing domestic abuse.

According to the Crime Survey for England and Wales (CSEW) year ending March 2018, an estimated 7.9% of women (1.3 million) and 4.2% of men (695,000) experienced domestic abuse in the last year. Tragically, two women are killed every single week by their partner or ex-partner.

Sharon Wilkins, Deputy Director of Homes & Communities said;

“As a housing association, we provide a home for thousands of people across Newport. A home should be safe and secure – and yet, for many, home is anything but safe as they experience domestic abuse behind closed doors.

“NCH signing the Make A Stand pledge means that we’re committed to helping residents who may have experienced domestic abuse in one of our properties. We’re also offering support for any colleagues who may be experiencing domestic abuse at home.”

What exactly are we doing?

For our residents

  1. We’re launching a Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence Policy to support residents who may be affected by domestic abuse. This has gone live on our website today – read it here.
  2. We’re making information about national and local domestic abuse support services available on our website and in other locations, so support is easily accessible for both residents and our colleagues. Take a look at our new webpage here.


For our colleagues

  1. We know that domestic abuse can happen to anyone. That’s why we’re launching a Domestic Abuse & Sexual Violence policy for our colleagues too - to support anyone who might be experiencing DA at home.
  2. We’re appointing a senior Domestic Abuse Champion. Sharon Wilkins, our Deputy Director for Homes & Communities, will be responsible for driving our activity around domestic abuse and making sure that our actions are progressed and embedded across NCH - so that every colleague is able to support our residents where it is needed.

Every single one of our colleagues will also be receiving training over the coming months to help support residents who may be experiencing domestic abuse, with a volunteer group receiving specialist training to provide extra support.

If you are experiencing domestic abuse

The National Domestic Violence Helpline is a free, confidential helpline run by Women’s Aid and Refuge for anyone experiencing domestic abuse and is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.