A new laptop and mobile phone have helped the Newport Veterans Hub get grants and attract more members.  

The kit was donated by a contractor working for Newport City Homes. The Jehu Group are building 76 apartments on Coverack Road in the city. We ask contractors to provide extra community benefits when they are doing work.  

The hub offers support to veterans, their partners and children. Members meet in temporary accommodation at Malpas Court Mansion House but will be moving to Newport Stadium in the next few months.

David Watkins, CEO of Newport Veterans Hub, said: “I used to handwrite notes but now the laptop is used for everything. It's now our main device. I can work more efficiently. Jehu also funded Exel so we’ve been able to apply for grants and funding in the proper manner.    

“It’s made things so much more professional and streamlined. The smartphone allows us to do so much more as a volunteer group. Veterans can access support and be referred while we are sat down with them, straightway.”   

The support group started in 2020. David said: “We treat the veteran and their family as a single unit. It's not veteran only. That can often be a barrier to accessing support.  We have veterans who are single parents with children. Some of them feel more comfortable with their partner or carer with them and opening up full access takes away those simple barriers.    

“By supporting the families you're supporting the veteran indirectly. If the wife is suffering from mental health, you're helping the veteran and the children in the family home. We‘ve seen it work.   

“A lot of sick veterans have come a long way in the last year. They are feeling great about themselves.”

The volunteers refer veterans to a wide range of support from food parcels to getting back into work.   

He said: "We help with guaranteed interview schemes. Some companies want veterans for their skillset and their mindset. Their skills can be taught to other people in that workplace. Businesses are recognising that now. Veterans go above and beyond what they’re paid to do.”   

Laura Palfrey Newport City Homes’ development partnerships coordinator, said: “This hub is a vital facility in the city. Stories like this show the power of the community benefits we get through our work. New IT equipment and some funding have meant the volunteers running the group are able to grow numbers and keep providing the best possible support to veterans.”   

Lynsey Holley-Matthews, Responsible Business & Comms Manager from Jehu Group said: “We were really pleased we could support the Newport Veterans Hub, the work David and his team are doing is so important. As a responsible business we are proud we could mobilise our business strength as a force for good.”  

The total donation made to the hub was £2,474.   

If you or someone you know would benefit from joining Newport Veterans Hub email info@newportveteranshub.org.uk or visit newportveteranshub.org.uk  

The homes on Coverack Road will be available to buy through the Rent to Own or Shared Ownership schemes. For more information visit our home ownership page.  

There will also be a number of apartments available for social rent through Home Options. Find out more here.