If you have a disability and/or mobility needs, we are committed to help you live safely and independently for as long as reasonably and practicably possible.
We do this by providing adaptations to your home, in partnership with other agencies such as Newport City Council.
We have created a booklet on adaptations that explains the process in detail.
The types of adaptations are diverse and range from major construction such as level access showers (major adaptations), to minor elements such as hand rails (minor adaptations).
We have adapted homes that can become available for letting through the normal process. Apply via Home Options.
Minor adaptations
Minor adaptations can usually be carried out within two weeks.
If you need to ask a question, please email Aids.Adaptations@newportcityhomes.com
Major adaptations
To apply for a major adaptation, you need to have an occupational therapist assess your needs.
You do this by contacting Newport City Council on 01633 656656.
We have existing adapted homes throughout Newport that can become available for letting through the normal process. Apply via Home Options.
We will receive a referral from the occupational therapist, which will tell us what adaptations are needed and how urgent they are. We will prioritise requests using this information.
Major adaptations can take longer depending on the work required and there will be some occasions where we won't allow the work to place.
Not all recommendations from occupational therapists are approved. We will always explain why and you will have a right of appeal.