With the winter months meaning colder weather and shorter daylight hours, it is particularly important for older people to keep warm.

A lack of warmth can make underlying health problems worse. Here’s some tips to help you stay safe this winter:

  • Make sure heating and cooking appliances are checked regularly.
  • Flues and chimneys should be swept to ensure ventilation points are not blocked.
  • Check that your carbon monoxide and smoke alarms are working.
  • Keep a few simple cold and flu remedies at home, so you don’t have to go out if feeling unwell.
  • Quit smoking and you will quickly notice that breathing is easier and they are more comfortable exercising. Support groups are available.
  • Have a flu jab ‒ people aged 65 or over and some younger people with certain health conditions can have a flu jab for free. 
  • Regularly wash your hands to prevent the spread of infections such as colds or the winter vomiting bug.
  • Regularly check the weather forecast.
  • Order repeat prescriptions in plenty of time to make sure that, if the weather is bad, you are not left without supplies of your regular medicines.
  • Get some tinned, frozen and dried food in early, so you can manage for a few days or a week if you are unable to get out to shop and there is no-one to help.
  • Make sure you eat as well as you can afford to, have warm drinks and move around from time to time rather than sit all day. All of these will help to prevent your body temperature dropping too low.