Residents from Shaftesbury Court have developed a communal garden with help from Newport City Homes.

They used the money to have the ground prepared, purchased soil, bulbs, seeds, garden tools and a small shed, and green house.
Resident Alan Frowen said: “We started community garden about two years ago. The residents really enjoy it, as they can buy their fruit and veg cheaper than anywhere else”
The garden has given residents the chance to come together, enjoy gardening, and create something that everyone can take part in.
Scheme manager Sharon Holbrook added: “The grant from Newport City Homes has allowed residents to enjoy each other’s company and have fun.
“Last year we grew potatoes and vegetables, and this year we are growing herbs and flowers to make it look pretty.

“It’s had a really positive impact and is encouraging interaction between our residents and the wider community. It’s providing a focal point for the residents who live there.”