This week is National Hoarding Awareness Week (14 – 18 May).

Hoarding is a very misunderstood condition and estimates suggest that it affects about 1.2 million people in the UK.

Hoarding sees people collecting and keeping lots of items, even things that appear useless or of little value to most people. These items can include newspapers, books, containers, clothes, plastic bags and animals.

These items clutter the living spaces and keep the person from using their rooms as they were intended. It also affects the person’s ability to do day-to-day activities and can cause problems for people’s well-being and safety. Trips and falls are more common and there is increased risk of a serious fire.

The campaign was launched in 2014 by the Chief Fire Officers Association (CFOA), to raise awareness and dispel myths surrounding the condition.

To find out more about the campaign, visit