During last Wednesday’s AGM we welcomed two new board member co-optees to the board.  Anne Wildeman and Samantha Williams were successful applicants from our recent recruitment campaign.

They can’t wait to start using their skills and experience to help us improve our services. Here is a little bit about them both and why they wanted to join us:


Anne Wildeman

Anne is appointed as a board member co-optee, will be a member of the audit and risk committee, and is really excited to be part of our regeneration aspirations, developing 250 homes per year and using modern methods of construction.

Anne’s parents lived in Newport for a while and has family who live just outside the city. Anne appreciates that as a major employer, Newport City Homes is crucial to the economic future of the area.

Listening to people’s needs

Anne said that the regeneration which has taken place is already very impressive and with so much more planned, believes it is essential that the resources are made available for key projects to go ahead whilst listening to the needs of the people who live there.

Anne understands the way that associations work and has a lot of experience managing change and implementing the diversity agenda specifically within housing. Anne believes in lifelong learning and enabling people to be the best they can be.

Anne has been an executive director of medium and large housing associations for the last 25 years and is a member of the Chartered Institute of Housing.


Samantha Williams

Samantha is appointed as a board member co-optee and will be a member of the audit & risk committee. 

She is looking forward to seeing how the communities in Newport grow as a result of the exciting development and regeneration aspirations of the association whilst continuing to maintain the close community spirit. 

Passionate about Newport residents 

Samantha was born in Newport and has lived here for most of her life, apart from a short period when at university in Birmingham.  She is passionate about Newport and the people who live in it.

Samantha has an educational background, along with senior leadership skills and brings her experience of living in communities across Newport to the board.