Duffryn update - 3pm, Thursday 2 March 
Our teams have been on site today repairing a leak outside Nightingale Court. 🛠️
Our work has progressed well and affected customers should see heating and hot water supplies restored by this evening. ✔️
If your supply does not return by this evening, please call us on 01633 381111 so one of our engineers can take a look. This may be due to air in the system, or because your filters need to be cleaned. 💧
Thank you for your patience as we’ve carried out this essential work.



Duffryn update - 3pm, Wednesday 1 March

Following recent emergency repair work in Duffryn, we have carried out surveys of the pipework to help us identify where further leaks could be affecting the overall performance of the heating system. 

This includes thermal drone imaging and heat mapping. 

You can see more about this in the video below. 

What have we found so far? 

Early results have identified several smaller leaks across some of our older pipes. 

These leaks are causing the pipes to lose water, which is affecting the hot water pressure and overall performance across the estate. These leaks can become very big very quickly. When this happens, they stop the system from working, which is why we have seen some outages across the estate in the last few weeks. 

We have identified a leak just outside Nightingale Court, and we will need to carry out some emergency repair work tomorrow, Thursday 2 March, to fix it.  

This work is expected to affect heating and hot water supplies to Nightingale Court, Woodside, Aneurin Bevan Court and Sandpiper Way.  

We know this work is really disruptive for customers, so we’ll be starting work from 8am. We expect to turn off the heating and hot water supplies from approximately 11am, and we hope to complete the work and restore supplies by tomorrow evening.   

Affected customers will receive a reimbursement payment.  

We’ll keep you updated on our progress throughout the day.  

The wider estate should not be affected by this work. If you have any issues with your heating and hot water, you might have air in the system, or the filters connecting your supply might need cleaning. Please get in touch on 01633 381111 and we can arrange an engineer visit.  

We appreciate that the community has questions about the ongoing works, and what this means for the district heating system in the future. Whilst our immediate priority is to identify and fix these leaks to maintain the system, we’re also looking at the long-term work we might need to do. We’ll be writing to all Duffryn customers with an update on this next week. We’ll also share information on social media and through a dedicated Duffryn heating page on our website.