A Newport charity that helps people recovering from addiction has a brand new kitchen, thanks to Newport City Homes.
The Voice Hub in School Lane, which is a peer-led project for people in recovery and is run by volunteers, supports between 30-40 people every day.
It is well used as a community space and regularly hosts support groups, quiz evenings, social events, gym sessions, and training opportunities.
However, it was in desperate need of a kitchen for staff and service users.
Recovery co-ordinator Steve Masterman explained: “We have lots of people coming through the doors here every day. They come from all walks of life. There is no stereotypical visitor.
“For some people, this is the only place they can come where it is safe – they know no one is going to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs. 
“We offer a wide range of activities that we change on a monthly basis. However, the one thing we really lacked was a kitchen. It would make a massive difference to what we could offer here, so I started appealing for help.”
When Newport City Homes heard about the appeal, it stepped in and offered to donate and install a kitchen at the facility.
Board member Kevin Ward explained: “Support to those recovering from addiction is much needed, yet it is often in short supply. When we heard about the Voice Hub’s appeal and knowing the work that they do, there was no question that Newport City Homes would offer its support.
“We’re really proud that we can help the facility continue to grow, and support not only those who are recovering from addictions, but also their families and the wider community.”
Steve added: “We help people by giving them a structure to their lives. When they stop drinking or taking drugs, there is a massive gap in their lives. It is about staying as busy as possible. This new kitchen will help us help people in need.
“In addition to the kitchen, we also received a load of equipment such as portable cooking stations, mixers, blenders, pots and pans and other kitchen items from Communities First.
“We said in our appeal that we wanted to be in a position to cook a Christmas dinner for everyone; now we can.”