Our very own board member, Cissie Beale, has been shortlisted as a ‘tenant champion of the year’ at this year’s 24 Housing Awards.

Many of you will know that Cissie has been a board member since the first day of NCH’s existence, but you may not know that she played a key part in creating it. As a tenant commissioner, Cissie gave evidence to the council that ultimately led to NCH’s creation.

Born and raised in Newport, Cissie has committed her spare time to helping others and driving positive change for the city and its communities.

Cissie’s passion has always been in creating opportunities for young people. It was her idea to offer opportunities through an apprentice scheme, and our academy was born. Cissie is clear on why she works so hard to give back to Newport communities:

“By volunteering and doing all the other little things I do, I’m paying back what I owe.”

We’ll find out if Cissie is crowned tenant champion on 12 October at an awards ceremony in Coventry. Either way, Cissie is always our champion.