Contact us

Register for online services

We've now upgraded the online web portal to our new customer app.

All existing portal customers should have received an email from us about your new account and how to activate it (please check junk/spam just in case). If you haven't received it yet, you can contact us for your activation code using any of the methods below.

How to sign-up for the new app

Our new customer app is available to download from both the Google Play Store and Apple App Store. You can also access it via our website.

You will then need an activation code to get started.

Contact us for your activation code, via any method that works for you:

The code will be emailed to you within 24 hours.

Please note, you will need to activate the app within two weeks of receiving the code, otherwise it will expire. If you need a new code, please contact us to request a new one.

Our Customer App

Download our new social rented customer app today, and access a range of our services at a time and place that suits you!