We offer homes specially designed for customers over the age of 55.

We have nearly 750 homes ranging from one and two-bedroom bedsits, apartments and bungalows, located across Newport.

Aneurin Bevan Court, Duffryn

These homes are usually part of a larger community and have extra services available to help you live independently.

Who can apply?

Anyone over 55 that is able to live and get about on their own, with or without a care support plan.

What are the benefits?

When moving in, we will:

  • create a personal plan with you to fully understand your needs.
  • explain the services you can expect to receive from us.
  • visit you two weeks after you’ve moved in to make sure you’re settling into your new home.
  • help you meet some of your new neighbours, if you want to

Depending on your locations, you could benefit from the following facilities and and services:

  • communal lounge
  • hairdressing
  • activities like exercise classes, day trips, fish and chips suppers etc.
  • communal cleaning

How do I find out more?

If you would like to know more about any of our 55+ schemes please get in touch by:

If you would like to apply for a home in one of our 55+ schemes, you’ll need to register your application on Home Options Newport.

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